Judy Laub

Obituary | Judith Laub (1959 - 2022)

On June 27th, 2022, Judith (Judy) Crystal Laub passed away at the age of 62 from ovarian cancer.

Judy was a renowned, award-winning metalwork artist, who taught herself how to do chasing and repousee, with several of her pieces displayed in juried shows. Her work included architectural accents, decorative bowls, and artistic pieces which were included in gallery showings and often commissioned. Judy loved being in nature. She had the remarkable ability to observe and pay tribute to things that most people would just walk past. She would marvel at the complex patterns on the wings of a beetle and figure out ways to replicate it in etched metal.

In addition to being a highly respected metalsmith, Judy was also an accomplished musician on the fiddle and other instruments. She was active in several Irish music groups, playing for contra dances throughout the Pacific Northwest. She was one of the founders of Rainbow Contra dance in Seattle, providing a warm, welcoming environment for the LGBTQ community. One of Judy's greatest joys in life was spending time with her son Otto. She cherished their time together and was incredibly proud of the young man he was becoming. A celebration of life will be held for Judy on September 26, 2022, from 6:00-8:00 pm at Greene's Corner in Bellingham.

Jen Grogan

In addition to being the Guild's administrator, Jen Grogan is a mother, writer, editor, and web content specialist based out of Seattle. She’s written for Women Write About Comics, The Dream Foundry, and a few other online venues, but has not yet convinced herself to call any of her fiction manuscripts complete. You can find her online at jengrogan.com.


Anne Niles Davenport


Dina Barzel